Wieder zurück in Schweden! Die Rückreise ist super verlaufen, von Sopron nach Rostock (1000km) in 13 Std, vorbei an lauter wunderschönen Städten wie Wien, Prag oder Dresden. Unsere Fähre ging von Rostock nach Trelleborg, wo wir in der Cafeteria auf dem Fuβboden vor laufendem Boxkampf nächtigten. Die Kinder waren overbrav und wussten sich die ganze Zeit zu beschäftigen. Hier zu Hause ist alles friedlich, ein dickes Spinnweben an der Haustür bewies, dass kein Vermieter unerlaubt eingedrungen war. Eine schriftliche Kündigung des Mietvertrages haben wir immer noch keine vorgefunden. Die letzte Woche in Sopron war sehr Mut machend für uns. Es fühlte sich gestern auf der Reise zwar eher an wie in den Kampf zu ziehen – anstelle heimzukommen – doch wir fühlen uns innerlich ruhig und sehen Jesus an unserer Seite. In den nächsten Tagen werde ich noch etwas von der Mitarbeiterkonferenz berichten, doch jetzt müssen wir erstmal auspacken, aufräumen, einleben!
Back in Sweden again! Our journey went perfectly, we did 1000 km within 13 hours from Sopron to Rostock, passing beautiful cities such as Prague, Dresden or Berlin. Our ferry went to Trelleborg and we slept well on the floor of the cafeteria in the midst of truck drivers… As we came back home about noon we found our house peaceful, a big cobweb at our front door proofed there has nobody been in while we were absent. We still didn't find a letter of termination of our contract. Over CONNECT we got very encouraged by Jesus himself about our housing situation, through personal prayer times and Bible studies, the worship, the teachings, and especially through community with our CA-family. I’ll write a little bit more on that later on, for now we need to unload our van, wash, clean up and celebrate our kids who did an outstanding job sitting more two days still in the car!
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Back in Sweden again! Our journey went perfectly, we did 1000 km within 13 hours from Sopron to Rostock, passing beautiful cities such as Prague, Dresden or Berlin. Our ferry went to Trelleborg and we slept well on the floor of the cafeteria in the midst of truck drivers… As we came back home about noon we found our house peaceful, a big cobweb at our front door proofed there has nobody been in while we were absent. We still didn't find a letter of termination of our contract. Over CONNECT we got very encouraged by Jesus himself about our housing situation, through personal prayer times and Bible studies, the worship, the teachings, and especially through community with our CA-family. I’ll write a little bit more on that later on, for now we need to unload our van, wash, clean up and celebrate our kids who did an outstanding job sitting more two days still in the car!