Wir haben also den Beschluss gefasst im November mit den „Medvandrarnas“ anzufangen. Damit haben wir unseren ersten, regelmäβigen Dienst in der Öffentlichkeit womit all das, was wir bisher mehr oder weniger „im Untergrund“ vorbereitet haben, langsam beginnt an die Oberfläche zu treten. Die „Medvandrarna“ vereinen viele Vorteile für uns: Sie geben uns direkten Kontakt zur Bevölkerung in Angered; durch den regelmäβigen Dienst kann Vertrauen wachsen; es kann klein beginnen ohne uns zu überlasten, hat aber gleichzeitig ein enormes Wachstumspotential; an den Samstagen kann ab und zu auch mal etwas besonderes angeboten werden; wir können alle unsere Freunde, Nachbarn usw. in einen allgemein bekannten Second Hand Laden einladen, wenn sie mal sehen wollen, was wir so tun, und ihnen dort vielleicht unser Anliegen näherbringen; es ist für andere Kirchen und Gemeinden leicht möglich, mitzumachen und z.B. einen Helfer zu schicken; es ist sogar möglich, interessierte Freunde mitmachen zu lassen, die in keiner Gemeinde sind, was den missionalen Charakter betont. Zur Zeit sind wir u.a. dabei, die ganzen praktischen Dinge zu regeln. Samstag, der 15. November ist mal vorläufig als Startdatum gesetzt. Ihr habt die Möglichkeit, alles im Gebet mit vorzubereiten, was uns SEHR freuen würde!
So we decided to start with “medvandrarna” in November. This will be our first regular and public ministry. By that a lot of all the stuff we’ve prepared “underground” during the first 2 years will now slowly begin to appear at the surface. “Medvandrarna” have many benefits for us. We get direct contacts with the population of Angered. A regular appearance among them creates trust. It can start small but has an enormous potential to grow, for instance doing some special events at one or another Saturday. We might invite all our friends, neighbours and others to the largest and well known Second Hand Shop if they want to see what we’re actually doing, here we might explain to them what matters to us. Other churches could easily participate by sending a few who’d like to help out. Even those among our friends who are interested but do not follow Jesus yet can help which creates a highly missional environment. Right now we’re about to arrange all the practical preparations which need to be done. Saturday, Nov 15th is the day we set for to start. You have the possibility to support all those preparations by your prayers, which we highly appreciate!
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So we decided to start with “medvandrarna” in November. This will be our first regular and public ministry. By that a lot of all the stuff we’ve prepared “underground” during the first 2 years will now slowly begin to appear at the surface. “Medvandrarna” have many benefits for us. We get direct contacts with the population of Angered. A regular appearance among them creates trust. It can start small but has an enormous potential to grow, for instance doing some special events at one or another Saturday. We might invite all our friends, neighbours and others to the largest and well known Second Hand Shop if they want to see what we’re actually doing, here we might explain to them what matters to us. Other churches could easily participate by sending a few who’d like to help out. Even those among our friends who are interested but do not follow Jesus yet can help which creates a highly missional environment. Right now we’re about to arrange all the practical preparations which need to be done. Saturday, Nov 15th is the day we set for to start. You have the possibility to support all those preparations by your prayers, which we highly appreciate!