Am vergangenen Wochenende fand in Schweden das „Global Leadership Summit“ an verschiedenen Austragungsorten gleichzeitig statt. Für die Göteborger Region trafen sich einige Hundert Leiter aus unterschiedlichsten Kirchen und Gemeinden in der Sarongemeinde, die ihre Räume zur Verfügung stellte und auch das Rahmenprogramm des GLS wie auch in den letzten Jahren ausgerichtet hat. Für uns war das Programm des GLS sicher auch sehr gut und sehr inspirierend, vor allem aber war es wieder einmal eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, das schon bestehende Netzwerk zu anderen Kirchen und Gemeinden zu pflegen und auszubauen. Ich bin echt froh über das GLS und staune, welche neuen und interessanten Leute wir wieder einmal kennengelernt haben. „Networking“, ein Verb, das sich leider nicht ins Deutsche übersetzten lässt, habe ich komischerweise vor allem in der Klinik Kipfenberg gelernt – glaubt Ihr’s?!
Past weekend there was over the entire country the Swedish Global Leadership Summit „Lead Where You Are”. For the Gothenburg region several hundred leaders from all different kinds of churches were gathering at our partner church Saron. As the last years, Saron provided their rooms and the frame of the GLS. The summit itself was good and brought a lot of inspiration, but even better was this outstanding opportunity to network. We met many well known leaders and a number of quite interesting new leaders of churches we had never heard of so far. We are grateful for how the Lord led us again – and we’re excited as we look into the future envisioning how He might use this network for His glory’s sake.
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Past weekend there was over the entire country the Swedish Global Leadership Summit „Lead Where You Are”. For the Gothenburg region several hundred leaders from all different kinds of churches were gathering at our partner church Saron. As the last years, Saron provided their rooms and the frame of the GLS. The summit itself was good and brought a lot of inspiration, but even better was this outstanding opportunity to network. We met many well known leaders and a number of quite interesting new leaders of churches we had never heard of so far. We are grateful for how the Lord led us again – and we’re excited as we look into the future envisioning how He might use this network for His glory’s sake.