Es ist soweit. Heute geht’s los. Unter der kompetenten Leitung von Janet Morris, Ehefrau des CA Europadirektors und viel in Teamfragen unterwegs, und Troy Cady, Teamleiter in Madrid seines Zeichens, wird bis Sonntag unsere groβe Teamschulung stattfinden. Wie ich ja schon vorher einmal sagte (hier), ist eine Gruppe Leute noch lange kein Team, erstrecht kein gut abgestimmtes. Man muss sich kennen, sich vertrauen und eine gemeinsame Grundlage haben. Teamgeist muss entstehen. Das erfordert Zeit und aktive Arbeit. Im Vorfeld habe ich mit Janet schon einige Schwerpunkte abgesprochen, die für unsere Teamsituation von besonderer Bedeutung sein könnten. Wie es scheint, haben Janet und Troy sich viele Gedanken dazu gemacht und ein Programm vorbereitet. Wie ich hörte, sagen andere Teams, in denen Janet ähnliches gemacht hat, das sei das Beste gewesen, was sie je als Team erlebt hätten. Heute wird der Auftakt bei Meisels stattfinden, morgen und am Samstag werden wir uns jeweils den ganzen Tag bei uns treffen. Am Sonntag ist Nachbesprechung und Abreise. Wir dürfen Euch bitten, dieses für uns sehr wichtige Ereignis im Gebet zu begleiten!
It’s due. Today we get started. Our big Team Building Event is about to begin. Janet Morris, wife of our CA Europe Director and very competent in team issues will come together with Troy Cady, team leader in Madrid. As I said already some time ago (see here) it needs a lot of effort to build a team. A group of people does not automatically become a team. You need to know each other. You need to trust each other. Everyone needs to be at the same page, team spirit needs to be developed. This requires a lot of time and work. I talked with Janet beforehand about some topics we should focus on. Together with Troy they set up a both very thoughtful and creative program. What I heard so far from some other teams who did a team building event together with Janet is something like “that was one of the best things our team has ever made!” The prelude will happen today at the Meisels, tomorrow and on Saturday well meet at our house. Sunday we’ll have like a debriefing session. We may ask you to accompany this very important event with your prayers!
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It’s due. Today we get started. Our big Team Building Event is about to begin. Janet Morris, wife of our CA Europe Director and very competent in team issues will come together with Troy Cady, team leader in Madrid. As I said already some time ago (see here) it needs a lot of effort to build a team. A group of people does not automatically become a team. You need to know each other. You need to trust each other. Everyone needs to be at the same page, team spirit needs to be developed. This requires a lot of time and work. I talked with Janet beforehand about some topics we should focus on. Together with Troy they set up a both very thoughtful and creative program. What I heard so far from some other teams who did a team building event together with Janet is something like “that was one of the best things our team has ever made!” The prelude will happen today at the Meisels, tomorrow and on Saturday well meet at our house. Sunday we’ll have like a debriefing session. We may ask you to accompany this very important event with your prayers!