Eigentlich wollte ich heute von unserer groβen Teamschulung berichten, die mit unserem ganzen Team für den Rest der Woche gröβtenteils in unserem Haus stattfinden wird. Ich wollte Euch sagen, was wir machen werden und Euch um Euer Gebet bitten. Das werde ich nun vielleicht morgen tun. Denn soeben erhielt ich eine E-Mail mit dem Link zu diesem Video. Den müsst Ihr Euch bitte anschauen. Wenn manche englische Worte ein Problem sind, schlagt sie nach oder lasst Euch den Sinn von jemanden übersetzen. Danach wisst Ihr ziemlich genau, wo unser Herz schlägt. Hoffentlich nicht nur unseres, sondern das des gesamten Teams. Jetzt könnt Ihr ja trotzdem – oder vielleicht sogar noch viel besser für die Teamschulung beten!
Actually it was my plan to give some more information about our team building event, which is going to take place from Thursday to Sunday for the entire team. I planned to tell about what’s going to happen and I wanted to ask you for your prayer support. But then I got this email a few moments ago, giving a link to a YouTube video about “Thinking Missional”. Today I prefer to show that video to you. Please watch it and you know precisely where our heart is beating. Hopefully not only our heart, but the heart of the entire team. Who knows – after watching the video you might be able to pray for the team event even more specifically!
Actually it was my plan to give some more information about our team building event, which is going to take place from Thursday to Sunday for the entire team. I planned to tell about what’s going to happen and I wanted to ask you for your prayer support. But then I got this email a few moments ago, giving a link to a YouTube video about “Thinking Missional”. Today I prefer to show that video to you. Please watch it and you know precisely where our heart is beating. Hopefully not only our heart, but the heart of the entire team. Who knows – after watching the video you might be able to pray for the team event even more specifically!