Tatsächlich, sie kommen: Die Elche. Kaum hat die Jagdsaison begonnen, ziehen sich die Riesentiere in die Gärten friedliebender und waffenloser Göteborger zurück, um deren leckere Abpfelbäumchen zu mampfen. Erst beim Nachbarn, dann ein eleganter Sprung über den Zaun zu unserem Apfelbaum, zum Abschluss ein souveräner Marsch durch die Hecke zum nächsten Nachbarn - bei dem hingen sogar noch Äpfel dran! Eine vor Aufregung auf der Terasse herumhümpfende Horde Kinder und eine fotografierende Frau beeindruckt Frau Elch wenig. Solange nur mit Kameras geschossen wird...
They come. Indeed. Mooses. Into OUR backyard. Hunting season has hardly begun and here they are. Coming to the harmless and disarmed population of Gothenburg. Taking first a few tasty branches of neighbours appletree. Making a graceful jump over the fence into our backyard ("Stupid humans! Thinking we're to clumsy for it!"). Trying their apple tree ("mmh, not bad either..."). Stalking souvereignly through the hedge ("Yum! Real apples still over there!"). Being unimpressed by an excited jumping hord of kids and photos taking mother ("as long as they just shoot with cameras...")
They come. Indeed. Mooses. Into OUR backyard. Hunting season has hardly begun and here they are. Coming to the harmless and disarmed population of Gothenburg. Taking first a few tasty branches of neighbours appletree. Making a graceful jump over the fence into our backyard ("Stupid humans! Thinking we're to clumsy for it!"). Trying their apple tree ("mmh, not bad either..."). Stalking souvereignly through the hedge ("Yum! Real apples still over there!"). Being unimpressed by an excited jumping hord of kids and photos taking mother ("as long as they just shoot with cameras...")