Bis jetzt haben wir noch nichts von unserem Vermieter gehört, obwohl der Makler ihm den Marktpreis heute mitteilen wollte. Wir gehen davon aus, dass unser Vermieter uns sofort informiert hätte, wenn er den von ihm geforderten Betrag bestätigt bekommen hätte. Wir vertrauen Jesus weiter und können auch diese Nacht wieder gut schlafen.
So far we haven't heard anything from our landlord about the price of the house, although the real estate agency wanted to inform him today about the value of the house. We assume our landlord would have called us immediately if the document of the real estater would confirm his high price ideas. We continue to trust Jesus. Another night we can sleep well and have rest in Him.
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So far we haven't heard anything from our landlord about the price of the house, although the real estate agency wanted to inform him today about the value of the house. We assume our landlord would have called us immediately if the document of the real estater would confirm his high price ideas. We continue to trust Jesus. Another night we can sleep well and have rest in Him.