Während wir im Reisedienst in Bayern unterwegs sind und viele, viele Leute treffen oder wiedersehen, scheint unser Vermieter sich zu überlegen, wie er uns am schnellsten aus dem Haus bekommt. (Wir wissen nicht, ob dem wirklich so ist, aber hier aus der Ferne fühlt es sich sehr so an.) Zunächst verweigert er uns die Angabe seiner Kontonummer. Bislang hatte er es vorgezogen, seine Miete monatlich persönlich in bar bei uns abzuholen. Da dies für August nicht möglich ist, baten wir ihn schon vor Wochen um seine Kontonummer, die er uns trotz x-facher Anfrage nicht geben will. Ob er uns einen Strick daraus drehen will? Wir wissen es nicht. Stattdessen „informierte“ er uns über E-Mail, dass er ab dem 03. September einen Bautrupp bestellt habe, um das Haus zu renovieren. Bluff? Will er uns rausekeln? Wir wissen es nicht. Für solche Fälle ist uns auch das schwedische Mietrecht viel zu unbekannt. Hier aus der Ferne sind uns gewissermaβen auch die Hände gebunden und wir müssen abwarten, bis wir Ende August wieder selbst vor Ort sind. Eins steht fest: Unser Leben hängt von keinem Vermieter ab, sondern von dem Herrn, der Himmel und Erde gemacht hat. Er ist unser Hirte, uns wird nichts fehlen. Wir wollen vertrauen und beten, dass diese Geschichte am Ende für unser Gemeindebauprojekt sogar sehr nützlich sein kann. Schlieβlich weiβ Jesus immer, was er tut, oder etwa nicht?
We are on “Reisedienst” right now, traveling through Bavaria and meeting many, many friends. It’s busy very blessed at the same time. In the meantime, our landlord seems to hatch plans how he gets rid of us as quick as possible. (We’re not sure if it’s really like this, from a distance it feels like that.) First, he refuses to give us his bank information so that we can wire our rent for August. So far he preferred to pick up the rent personally and cash. As we are in Germany that’s not possible, so we asked him already two weeks ago for his bank information. Although we asked him many times, he refuses to hand it out to us. Will he use that against us? We don’t know. Instead of that, he “informed” us about the fact that he has ordered workers to renovate the house starting on Sep 3rd. Bluff? An attempt to drive us out? We don’t know. And we’re not familiar with the Swedish laws on renting. Being far away, we can’t do as much. We need to wait until we come back. But we do know that we’re not dependent on any landlord, but the Lord of heaven and earth. He is our shepherd, we shall not be in want. We decide to trust in Him and pray for God’s work in the whole story, so that it will turn out as a useful accelerator for the Gothenburg church plant project. After all, Jesus does always know what He is doing, doesn’t he?
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We are on “Reisedienst” right now, traveling through Bavaria and meeting many, many friends. It’s busy very blessed at the same time. In the meantime, our landlord seems to hatch plans how he gets rid of us as quick as possible. (We’re not sure if it’s really like this, from a distance it feels like that.) First, he refuses to give us his bank information so that we can wire our rent for August. So far he preferred to pick up the rent personally and cash. As we are in Germany that’s not possible, so we asked him already two weeks ago for his bank information. Although we asked him many times, he refuses to hand it out to us. Will he use that against us? We don’t know. Instead of that, he “informed” us about the fact that he has ordered workers to renovate the house starting on Sep 3rd. Bluff? An attempt to drive us out? We don’t know. And we’re not familiar with the Swedish laws on renting. Being far away, we can’t do as much. We need to wait until we come back. But we do know that we’re not dependent on any landlord, but the Lord of heaven and earth. He is our shepherd, we shall not be in want. We decide to trust in Him and pray for God’s work in the whole story, so that it will turn out as a useful accelerator for the Gothenburg church plant project. After all, Jesus does always know what He is doing, doesn’t he?