Jetzt sind wir also weg. Weg auf Reisedienst. Unser lieber Nachbar Lennart lächelte nickend als wir die Geschichte vom rasenden Vermieter erzählten: „Jaja. Er denkt wenig. Fahrt nur, das gibt ihm Zeit zum besseren Verstehen. Ich werde aufpassen, dass er Euch die Möbel nicht schon mal rausstellt.“ Also sind wir unterwegs. Obwohl es kein Urlaub ist, fühlt es sich wie solcher an, der Duft nach Bananen und Butterstullen im Auto, Kinderhörspiele von Cassette, einen Kaffee nach dem Dieseltanken. Und heute hat unser groβer, beladener Bus nur 5,6l/100km verbraucht. Ein solches Gefühl der Glückseligkeit erlebt man nur selten neben der Zapfsäule. Morgen geht’s in Schönberg bei Kiel zum TÜV. Wenn morgen die Plaketten wirklich kleben sollten, werde ich mich fast schon wie im zweiten Himmel fühlen. Nach einem Jahr als Gemeindegründer ist man eben anspruchslos geworden. Aber keine Sorge, ich werde den TÜV-Beamten nicht küssen.
We are on “Reisedienst”! That is German and says with one (in numbers: 1) word something like “being on duty as you are traveling around for visiting your supporting churches or churches which consider starting supporting you and your ministry”. These are twenty-three (in numbers: 23) words. (There are times when I really love German). Ok, I could say furlough too. But do you know what kind of synonyms MS-Word suggests for furlough? It’s like unemployment; vacation; unpaid leave; rest and recreation. NO WAY, man!!! None of that is true. So we’re simply on Reisedienst, ok? Unfortunately we needed to abandon the Meisels to three weeks of living by themselves in Göteborg. But know what??? Meisels have their PERSONAL NUMBER! After only three days!!! That’s a miracle. Please stop reading here for a while and give thanks to Jesus!
Amen. Without personal number one is nothing in that beautiful country. Now they have permission for, let’s say, getting their own telephone line. Or buying a car, which is kind of urgent for them. Please pray that they will get a proper car and continue to settle in as well as they did in their first week. We are looking forward to meeting them again at staff conference!
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We are on “Reisedienst”! That is German and says with one (in numbers: 1) word something like “being on duty as you are traveling around for visiting your supporting churches or churches which consider starting supporting you and your ministry”. These are twenty-three (in numbers: 23) words. (There are times when I really love German). Ok, I could say furlough too. But do you know what kind of synonyms MS-Word suggests for furlough? It’s like unemployment; vacation; unpaid leave; rest and recreation. NO WAY, man!!! None of that is true. So we’re simply on Reisedienst, ok? Unfortunately we needed to abandon the Meisels to three weeks of living by themselves in Göteborg. But know what??? Meisels have their PERSONAL NUMBER! After only three days!!! That’s a miracle. Please stop reading here for a while and give thanks to Jesus!
Amen. Without personal number one is nothing in that beautiful country. Now they have permission for, let’s say, getting their own telephone line. Or buying a car, which is kind of urgent for them. Please pray that they will get a proper car and continue to settle in as well as they did in their first week. We are looking forward to meeting them again at staff conference!