Angi hatte leider keine Zeit nach Göteborg zu kommen, sie musste mit Freddy über Kyoto diskutieren. Aber die Fischers, die hatten Zeit. Schlieβlich waren die ja auf Hochzeitsreise und kamen mit ihrem Campingbus vorbei. Ob die Merkel nur deswegen nicht gekommen ist, weil sie glaubte, dann müsse auch sie bei uns vor der Garage schlafen und in unserem Keller duschen?
Angela Merkel, chancellor or Germany, and the Fischers, members of EPIC, Münster have been here. Unfortunately German Angi couldn’t drop in at our house, she had to discuss with Swedish Freddy about Kyoto. But the Fischers had time, after all they were on their honeymoon. So they came with their small RV. Or did Angi not come just because she was afraid we would expect her to sleep in front of our garage in a caravan like the rest of our guests we had this year?
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Angela Merkel, chancellor or Germany, and the Fischers, members of EPIC, Münster have been here. Unfortunately German Angi couldn’t drop in at our house, she had to discuss with Swedish Freddy about Kyoto. But the Fischers had time, after all they were on their honeymoon. So they came with their small RV. Or did Angi not come just because she was afraid we would expect her to sleep in front of our garage in a caravan like the rest of our guests we had this year?