Weil ich heute so viel später aus der Schule kam als normal (unser Computerlehrer hatte den Feierabend verpennt!), entschied ich mich, anders nach Hause zu fahren als sonst. Normalerweise nehme ich die Straβenbahn. Heute wollte ich also mit dem Bus 520 vom Hauptbahnhof aus fahren, weil der gleich durchfährt und ich nicht umsteigen muss. Also bin ich dahin, und ich wunderte mich, dass mir Hunderte von Leuten entgegen kamen. Ich ging also weiter, und plötzlich sah ich, dass das ganze Nils-Ericsson-Terminal (das ist der Busbahnhof) menschenleer war. Plötzlich sprach mich ein Polizist auf Schwedisch an und machte Handzeichen, als ob ich hier zu verschwinden hätte. Leider hab ich nicht alles verstanden, deshalb habe ich ihn mal auf Englisch gefragt, was denn hier los ist. Da sagte er: „Wir müssen das ganze Gebäude evakuieren!“ Das war natürlich spannend, aber ich hatte keine Ahnung, was hier los war. Also bin ich raus um zu sehen, was da passiert. Ich hab zugesehen, wie alle Busse fast schon hektisch versuchten, den Platz zu verlassen – und auf dem Nils-Ericsson-Terminal gibt es ganz schön viele Busse. Das war voll das Busgedrängel. Ich weiβ nicht wieso, aber weil ich erst letzte Woche bei meinem Freund James Bond gesehen habe, dachte ich so: „Vielleicht gibt’s hier ja 'ne Bombe und gleich geht hier was in die Luft!“ (Wenn bei James Bond mal irgendwas nicht stimmt oder klappt, ist es schlieβlich immer ne Bombe, oder?) Kurz drauf kommt ein Busfahrer vom Busplatz weg und sprach mit einer Frau – alles was ich verstanden habe war das Wort „bomb“. Ich geh ein bisschen herum und höre immer wieder das gleiche. Spannend war das vielleicht! Leider rief dann meine Mutter an und fragte, wo ich denn bleibe. Ich hab ihr alles erzählt, und sie meinte dann, ich solle jetzt sofort da weggehen und nach Hause kommen. Was ich schweren Herzens dann wohl auch getan habe. Zu Hause haben wir dann im Internet nachgeschaut – da stand ein gestohlenes Auto mit einer Tasche auf dem Rücksitz in der eine Bombe zu sehen war. Ein Polizeiroboter hat auf die Tasche geschossen. Später stellte sich heraus, dass alles nur eine Attrappe war…

Ole tells a story about his way home from school today:
“Because I was late today because my computer teacher forgot that school is over I thought t myself that I could actually by bus this time, not by tram as usually. When I entered the Nils-Erircsson-Terminal (that’s the big bus station at the railway station) I noticed so many people leaving the building. I thought: This can’t be right. As I kept on walking I saw a policeman saying something to the other people in Swedish. I could not understand everything, so I asked him in English: “What’s going on here?” He said to me that I should leave the building straight away. That was really exciting but I didn’t know what’s happening here. So I went out where all the other people were. I wanted to see what’s going on there. I watched all the busses trying to get out of the area, seemed like a bit nervous, and there are many busses at the Nils-Ericsson-terminal. I remembered James Bond which I watched recently at my friend’s house and I thought for myself: “Maybe it’s a bomb!” (After all, if something does not work properly for James Bond there’s a bomb behind it, isn’t it?!) Maybe I’ll see the whole station exploding? Instead of that I heard a woman talking with a bus driver, and he said something in Swedish – all I got was “BOMB!” As I went around the crowd I picked up “bomb” over and over again. I backed off a bit – just in case… Suddenly my mobile rang, my mother. “Where the heck are you?!” I told her the whole story, and she commanded me to get out of there, taking the next tram and coming home as soon as possible! I didn’t really want to go, but I went… At home we found out in the internet that there was a stolen car with a bag on the backseat with a bomb in it. A police robot shot at the bag. Later they discovered it was just a dummy…
“Because I was late today because my computer teacher forgot that school is over I thought t myself that I could actually by bus this time, not by tram as usually. When I entered the Nils-Erircsson-Terminal (that’s the big bus station at the railway station) I noticed so many people leaving the building. I thought: This can’t be right. As I kept on walking I saw a policeman saying something to the other people in Swedish. I could not understand everything, so I asked him in English: “What’s going on here?” He said to me that I should leave the building straight away. That was really exciting but I didn’t know what’s happening here. So I went out where all the other people were. I wanted to see what’s going on there. I watched all the busses trying to get out of the area, seemed like a bit nervous, and there are many busses at the Nils-Ericsson-terminal. I remembered James Bond which I watched recently at my friend’s house and I thought for myself: “Maybe it’s a bomb!” (After all, if something does not work properly for James Bond there’s a bomb behind it, isn’t it?!) Maybe I’ll see the whole station exploding? Instead of that I heard a woman talking with a bus driver, and he said something in Swedish – all I got was “BOMB!” As I went around the crowd I picked up “bomb” over and over again. I backed off a bit – just in case… Suddenly my mobile rang, my mother. “Where the heck are you?!” I told her the whole story, and she commanded me to get out of there, taking the next tram and coming home as soon as possible! I didn’t really want to go, but I went… At home we found out in the internet that there was a stolen car with a bag on the backseat with a bomb in it. A police robot shot at the bag. Later they discovered it was just a dummy…
(translation by Nils!)