Eine Woche haben wir uns Wohngelegenheiten angesehen. Das Haus gestern war sehr schön. Das Haus heute war vielleicht nicht ganz so schön, aber dafür umso praktischer: Allen Platz, den wir brauchen, Keller komplett neu abgedichtet (sogar mit Firmengarantie), nagelneue Heizung, gleiche Wohngegend wie jetzt (Linnarhult! Yippieh! Hier wollten wir am liebsten bleiben!) und Preis ok!!! Das heiβt, hier in Schweden werden Häuser nicht gekauft, sondern ersteigert. Heute Mittag habe ich noch mal mit der Bank gesprochen. Heute am späten Nachmittag war die Besichtigung. Die Verkäufer haben es recht eilig mit dem Verkauf, und deshalb ging der Bietprozess heute schon los. Zur gleichen Zeit fand das Bieten mit dem Haus gestern statt. Den ganzen Abend haben wir uns gefühlt wie an der Börse, ständig riefen Makler an, um uns über den Stand der Dinge zu informieren und evtl. neue Angebote entgegenzunehmen. Es sieht im Moment so aus, als ob wir den Zuschlag für das Haus in Linnarhult (das Haus von heute) bekommen könnten. Wir haben am Ende den gleichen Preis, den wir auch unserem Vermieter gemacht haben, geboten. Damit waren alle anderen Interessenten aus dem Rennen. Für die ganze Familie war das alles recht aufregend. Für uns geht es nämlich eigentlich nach wie vor nur darum, einen Platz zu haben, an dem wir leben und von wo aus wir unseren Dienst tun können. Es ist nicht unser geringstes Interesse, irgendwelche Geschäfte oder Käufe zu tätigen. Wir hoffen, dass unser Herr Jesus, der uns so klar in diese Stadt geführt hat, uns auch weiterhin klar führen wird. „Der Herr ist mein Hirte, mit wird nichts fehlen“ heiβt es in Ps 23. Und weiter: „Er führt mich“. In der Tat fühlen wir uns wie ein Schaf, dass in eine bestimmte Richtung geführt wird, und es bleibt uns nichts übrig, als der Weisheit unseres Hirten zu vertrauen. Bitte betet weiter für unseren Dienst. Wir haben zur Zeit drei konkrete Anliegen in diesem Zusammenhang: 1) Betet, dass das Verhältnis zu unserem Vermieter nicht im Streit endet, sondern wir ihm entprechend Mt 5 Salz und Licht sind, auch wenn wir nicht alle seine Vorstellungen so mitmachen können. 2) Betet, dass die ganze Hausgeschichte trotz allem Extraaufwand (Zeit und Energie) nur eine Nebensache für uns alle bleibt. Unser Heim ist wichtig, aber immer nur Mittel zum Zweck. 3) Betet, dass Sein Reich der Liebe und Gnade gebaut wird in einem Zeitalter, wo Millionen Menschen sich nach Orientierung sehnen, die christliche Botschaft aber für museumsreif halten. Danke für Euer treues Mittragen im Gebet!!!!!
This was one of the most exciting days of our life. As you know did our landlord force us to look for other housing options. This week we looked at four possibilities. The first two did not match our situation. The house yesterday was very nice. The house we saw today was not as nice, but instead much more practical for us. It has all the space we need, the foundations have professionally been made draughtproof with a 4 year warranty, heating is brandnew (Important here in Sweden as the winter approaches), it’s just 5 minutes walking distance to our present home (same neighborhood as we’d always like to stay ins!!), and the price was ok!!! Today I could talk one more time with the bank to settle the finances. This afternoon we had the showing, and the whole family went there. It seemed to be that the realtor liked our family very much, we were talking all the time and it was just nice. It seemed also the seller is in a hurry and wants to sell as soon as possible, which fits perfectly. Here in Sweden it’s that way, that houses or real estates are not just bought but bought at a kind of an auction. The highest bidder gets the acceptance. Two realtors were calling us for the whole evening, one for the house yesterday and one for our favorite house today, informing us about the latest developments and asking for our reaction or higher bids. I never, never, never ever planned to buy a house but now I had to, so that was one of the most exciting days of my life. After a while, as there was just one competitor for the favorite house left, I bid the same price than I offered five weeks ago to our landlord. Now it seems we outbid him, but we don’t know yet for sure. You know, all we REALLY want is doing our ministry here. We did not come over to do some real estate businesses. All we need is a place we can live and which can be a base for our ministry. So we HAVE TO TRUST our Lord, who led us so clearly into that particular city. We trust, and we have to trust that He will continue to lead us. Ps 23 spinned in my head spun in my head the whole day: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” It continues: “He leads me”. This is what we believe in. Indeed, we feel like sheep, being led by our shepherd into that situation. All we can do right now is trusting in the wisdom of our shepherd. He knows where to go and what to do. We ask you to continue to pray for us. There are three specific prayer requests right now. 1) Please pray for the relationship to our landlord. Pray that it will end in peace, pray that we can be salt and light to him, although he does not like us anymore. 2) Please pray that the whole housing thing will always stay to be minor matter. We don’t want to allow that thing to occupy our brain and heart more than necessary. We are here to build the kingdom, not to do businesses!!! 3) Please pray that God’s kingdom will be build in postmodern times. Millions of people are searching for orientation and meaning in life, but the vast majority considers Christianity for a medieval leftover, just suitable for museums. Thanks for fighting with us in prayer!!!
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This was one of the most exciting days of our life. As you know did our landlord force us to look for other housing options. This week we looked at four possibilities. The first two did not match our situation. The house yesterday was very nice. The house we saw today was not as nice, but instead much more practical for us. It has all the space we need, the foundations have professionally been made draughtproof with a 4 year warranty, heating is brandnew (Important here in Sweden as the winter approaches), it’s just 5 minutes walking distance to our present home (same neighborhood as we’d always like to stay ins!!), and the price was ok!!! Today I could talk one more time with the bank to settle the finances. This afternoon we had the showing, and the whole family went there. It seemed to be that the realtor liked our family very much, we were talking all the time and it was just nice. It seemed also the seller is in a hurry and wants to sell as soon as possible, which fits perfectly. Here in Sweden it’s that way, that houses or real estates are not just bought but bought at a kind of an auction. The highest bidder gets the acceptance. Two realtors were calling us for the whole evening, one for the house yesterday and one for our favorite house today, informing us about the latest developments and asking for our reaction or higher bids. I never, never, never ever planned to buy a house but now I had to, so that was one of the most exciting days of my life. After a while, as there was just one competitor for the favorite house left, I bid the same price than I offered five weeks ago to our landlord. Now it seems we outbid him, but we don’t know yet for sure. You know, all we REALLY want is doing our ministry here. We did not come over to do some real estate businesses. All we need is a place we can live and which can be a base for our ministry. So we HAVE TO TRUST our Lord, who led us so clearly into that particular city. We trust, and we have to trust that He will continue to lead us. Ps 23 spinned in my head spun in my head the whole day: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” It continues: “He leads me”. This is what we believe in. Indeed, we feel like sheep, being led by our shepherd into that situation. All we can do right now is trusting in the wisdom of our shepherd. He knows where to go and what to do. We ask you to continue to pray for us. There are three specific prayer requests right now. 1) Please pray for the relationship to our landlord. Pray that it will end in peace, pray that we can be salt and light to him, although he does not like us anymore. 2) Please pray that the whole housing thing will always stay to be minor matter. We don’t want to allow that thing to occupy our brain and heart more than necessary. We are here to build the kingdom, not to do businesses!!! 3) Please pray that God’s kingdom will be build in postmodern times. Millions of people are searching for orientation and meaning in life, but the vast majority considers Christianity for a medieval leftover, just suitable for museums. Thanks for fighting with us in prayer!!!
Wir beten für Euch und wünschen Euch Gottes überreichen Segen!