diskutierte ich letzten Freitagabend. Mein Freund war Fernsehregisseur und hatte über mehrere Jahre unter anderem Sendungen über Religion und Kirche produziert, hat Bücher wie die Bibel und den Talmud gelesen, hat Pfarrer, Bischöfe und Kardinäle im Vatikan interviewt. Er war sehr offen und interessiert, weil unser gemeinsames Bier keine Arbeit für ihn war, sondern ganz persönlich. Offensichtlich hatte er im Laufe seiner Recherchen auch Kontakte mit Evangelikalen, die aber einen lieblosen, desinteressierten und frömmelnd-unechten Eindruck auf ihn gemacht haben müssen. („Alles, was die sagen konnten, war ‚Jesus liebt dich!’ Damit erklären sie die ganze Welt.“) Schade eigentlich. Unser freitägliches Gespräch bei „Stars 'n Bars“, einer meiner Afterworkstammplätze, war hoffentlich eine gute Erfahrung für ihn. Betet doch einfach mal für ihn!
Almost 5 hours I discussed last Friday night with a friend, who was a TV-director. For many years he produced programmes about church and religion. He read a lot of important books such as the Bible or the Talmud, interviewed pastors and Bishops, and traveled for his research to the Vatican. Our conversation was open and he was very interested, because having a beer together was not like work for him, but like a personal chat. It turned out that he met also some evangelicals, but they didn't leave a good impression, obviouisly they must have been unkind, uninterested, not authentic but sermonizing. ("All they can say is 'Jesus loves you!' It seems they have nothing more left to explain the world.") What a pity. Our shared time on Friday at “Stars 'n Bars“, one of my usual “Afterwork”-bars, was hopefully a good experience for him. Why don’t you speak a prayer for him?
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Almost 5 hours I discussed last Friday night with a friend, who was a TV-director. For many years he produced programmes about church and religion. He read a lot of important books such as the Bible or the Talmud, interviewed pastors and Bishops, and traveled for his research to the Vatican. Our conversation was open and he was very interested, because having a beer together was not like work for him, but like a personal chat. It turned out that he met also some evangelicals, but they didn't leave a good impression, obviouisly they must have been unkind, uninterested, not authentic but sermonizing. ("All they can say is 'Jesus loves you!' It seems they have nothing more left to explain the world.") What a pity. Our shared time on Friday at “Stars 'n Bars“, one of my usual “Afterwork”-bars, was hopefully a good experience for him. Why don’t you speak a prayer for him?