Hab mich gestern mit unseren Vermietern getroffen, um auf neutralem Boden (in einem Café) noch mal über alles reden zu können. Und um ihnen schlieβlich ja auch den Termin mitzuteilen, zu dem sie ihr Haus wiederhaben können. Das Gespräch war wieder sehr unerfreulich, ich musste mich beschimpfen, bedrohen und beleidigen lassen. Die Frau scheint ziemlich einsichtig zu sein, aber er ist offensichtlich tief in seinem Stolz verletzt, was zu seinem Verhalten führt. Nun denn, wir sind froh, dass es absehbar ist.
Yesterday I met up for one for time with our landlord and his wife. I had suggested talking about everything on neutral ground. After all I wanted to tell them the date when they will get back their house. So I met them in a café. Again it was very unpleasant. He was insulting and threatening and swore at me. His wife seems to have more understanding, but his pride seems to be very wounded, and this is his reaction. We are happy that in foreseeable future it will come to an end.
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Yesterday I met up for one for time with our landlord and his wife. I had suggested talking about everything on neutral ground. After all I wanted to tell them the date when they will get back their house. So I met them in a café. Again it was very unpleasant. He was insulting and threatening and swore at me. His wife seems to have more understanding, but his pride seems to be very wounded, and this is his reaction. We are happy that in foreseeable future it will come to an end.