Das war eine kleine Überraschung, als ich letzten Donnerstag erfuhr, nicht nur 5 Minuten oder so zu haben, um H2O in einer Gemeinde vorzustellen, sondern dass man uns gleich den ganzen Gottesdienst überlassen hat… Auf Schwedisch etwas so kurzfristig vorzubereiten, ist echt eine Herausforderung. Also habe ich den Film gezeigt, den Karen und ich als TREK-Beitrag gemacht haben. Das ging ganz gut. Die Gemeinde in Eriksbo ist sehr überschaubar, fast familiär, aber nur 15 Minuten zu Fuß von uns zu Haus entfernt. Deshalb wurde es Zeit, dass wir uns letzten Sonntag mal persönlich getroffen haben.
It was a little surprise as I learned last Thursday some more details about the worship service in a little church nearby: I assumed we have about 5 minutes to present H2O, but we were more or less free to do the entire service… Challenging, to do that in a third language, I can tell you. So we showed the video clip Karen and I had prepared for TREK, and I think it went well. The church we doing that is quite small but very close to our home so I thought it is wise and good to know and meet each other.
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It was a little surprise as I learned last Thursday some more details about the worship service in a little church nearby: I assumed we have about 5 minutes to present H2O, but we were more or less free to do the entire service… Challenging, to do that in a third language, I can tell you. So we showed the video clip Karen and I had prepared for TREK, and I think it went well. The church we doing that is quite small but very close to our home so I thought it is wise and good to know and meet each other.