Nachdem TjänaStan – und damit H2O – letzten Freitag also richtig offiziell wurde benötigten wir nun dringend einen Platz, wo man sich weiter informieren kann – und heutzutage ist das das Internet. Noch nie in meinem Leben habe ich eine Webseite geschaffen – dieser Blog hier ist ja mehr oder weniger vorkonfiguriert – aber es fand sich auch kein anderer, der es in kurzer Zeit und kostenlos hätte erledigen können. Also habe ich mich hingesetzt, Texte geschrieben und übersetzt und eine Seite gestaltet. Hier ist das Resultat: Zugegeben, es ist in Schwedisch, aber konstruktives Feedback über Euren Eindruck ist trotzdem herzlichst willkommen!
My very first website… After our meeting with pastors and leaders from different churches last Friday we get more and more known. People wonder “What is Serve the City?” and “Who is H2O?” So we were in need of a website. Unfortunately we had nobody who could create a website now and for free. But since it was really needed I sat down, wrote and translated texts and with uncertainty I began creating a website, not knowing at all how that works. To be honest, I am kind of happy to present to you, which is an unusual achievement for my gifting. Ok, it’s in Swedish, but comments on your overall impression are more that welcomed!
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My very first website… After our meeting with pastors and leaders from different churches last Friday we get more and more known. People wonder “What is Serve the City?” and “Who is H2O?” So we were in need of a website. Unfortunately we had nobody who could create a website now and for free. But since it was really needed I sat down, wrote and translated texts and with uncertainty I began creating a website, not knowing at all how that works. To be honest, I am kind of happy to present to you, which is an unusual achievement for my gifting. Ok, it’s in Swedish, but comments on your overall impression are more that welcomed!