Gestern war es wieder soweit: Das alljährliche Treffen der Pastoren und Leiter im Västra Götaland zum schwedischen Julbord (= Weihnachtstisch). Diesmal war fast das ganze CA-Team dabei. Vorher gab’s nen langen aber sehr lebendigen Vortrag eines Göteborger Pfarrers, und für mich war das beste Erlebnis (neben dem Essen natürlich) dass es mir gelungen ist, nahezu den ganzen Vortrag für Judy und Kirsten vom Schwedischen simultan ins Englische zu übersetzen. Yep!!
Yesterday was again the Swedish “Julbord” (Christmas buffet) for all leaders and pastors in the Västra Götaland. Almost the entire CA team could go. We heard a long but good speech of a priest from Gothenburg. But my best experience was (of course the food! But after that it was) the fact that I managed to translate simultaneously almost the whole speech from Swedish to English!
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Yesterday was again the Swedish “Julbord” (Christmas buffet) for all leaders and pastors in the Västra Götaland. Almost the entire CA team could go. We heard a long but good speech of a priest from Gothenburg. But my best experience was (of course the food! But after that it was) the fact that I managed to translate simultaneously almost the whole speech from Swedish to English!