Seit einem knappen Monat ist Judy nun hierzulande, und ehrlich gesagt macht sie sich groβartig. Mit ihrer Lebens- und Auslandserfahrung geht sie weise und im richtigen Tempo an die vielen Herausforderungen in einem neuen Land heran. Die einzige wirklich groβe Hürde ist bislang noch die Wohnungssuche. Noch lebt sie in unserem Wohnwagen „zur Untermiete“, was ganz gut geht, solange der Winter sich auf Abstand hält. Seit sie ihre Personennummer hat läuft alles auf Hochtouren, um ein Plätzchen für sie zu finden – bislang ohne auch nur Ansatz auf Erfolg zu sehen. Im Gegenteil, die Geschichten, die man dabei immer wieder so hört, sind eher noch entmutigender. Was bleibt, ist das Gebet und das Vertrauen in unseren himmlischen Vater, als richtig und zur rechten Zeit zu machen. An diesem Wochenende ergab sich jedoch eine ganze Reihe aus völlig unvorhergesehenen „Zufällen“, die dahin führten, dass ein kleines, nagelneues Häuschen durch verschiedene Umstände ungeplanterweise zu vermieten ist, und Judy ist den Vermietern sozusagen in die Hände gelaufen, bevor sie es richtig veröffentlicht hatten. Nun besteht also eine Chance, ein echtes kleines (zu) Haus für Judy bis Mitte November zu bekommen. Bitte betet, dass sich alles klärt! Danke!
Judy arrived almost one month ago, and to be honest, she does a great job in settling in here. Her life experience and her experience in living cross culturally help her to approach all the different challenges in a very good way. The biggest challenge is the housing part. She still lives in our caravan which works as long as we don’t have real winter. After she got her personal number we work full speed to find a flat for her – without getting even a spark of hope to find something. The stories we get from others sound rather discouraging. So we keep praying and putting our trust in the Lord, our heavenly father who does everything well and in perfect timing. Last weekend there were a number of things happening “by accident” which led Judy to a possible landlord who has two small but brand new houses. It happened to him that needs to rent them out rather than selling them and Judy “accidently” bumped into him before he could publish his offer. There seems to be a good chance for her to get a real home, close to the rest of the team. Please keep praying for her, thank you!!!
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Judy arrived almost one month ago, and to be honest, she does a great job in settling in here. Her life experience and her experience in living cross culturally help her to approach all the different challenges in a very good way. The biggest challenge is the housing part. She still lives in our caravan which works as long as we don’t have real winter. After she got her personal number we work full speed to find a flat for her – without getting even a spark of hope to find something. The stories we get from others sound rather discouraging. So we keep praying and putting our trust in the Lord, our heavenly father who does everything well and in perfect timing. Last weekend there were a number of things happening “by accident” which led Judy to a possible landlord who has two small but brand new houses. It happened to him that needs to rent them out rather than selling them and Judy “accidently” bumped into him before he could publish his offer. There seems to be a good chance for her to get a real home, close to the rest of the team. Please keep praying for her, thank you!!!