Nach einer wunderbaren Woche am Undensee mit ganz viel Sonne und nichts tun, Hitze, Ruhe und Kanu fahren, sind wir nun wieder daheim. Auspacken, waschen, 65 E-Mails beantworten, Erledigungen und sonstiges abhaken, Predigten schreiben usw., und dann geht auch der Reisedienst schon los. Treffen wir uns?
After a gorgeous week of holiday at Lake Unden with plenty of sun, relaxing, warm air, swimming, and canoeing we have come back again. Unpacking, washing, responding 65 emails, shopping, writing sermons and after a few days already our furlough begins. How many of you will we meet at CONNECT?
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After a gorgeous week of holiday at Lake Unden with plenty of sun, relaxing, warm air, swimming, and canoeing we have come back again. Unpacking, washing, responding 65 emails, shopping, writing sermons and after a few days already our furlough begins. How many of you will we meet at CONNECT?