Die zweite Station liegt nunmehr ebenfalls schon hinter uns. Neun Tage lang erlebten wir eine INtensive Zeit IN INgolstadt, angefüllt mit ungezählten Begegnungen, Erzählungen und Treffen, mit Gastfreundschaft und lieben Freunden, auch mit verschiedenen Gemeindeabenden und einem Gottesdienst im neuen Gemeindehaus der FeG Ingolstadt (das uns mächtig beeindruckt hat). Unsere Kinder konnten mehrere Nächte bei mehreren ihrer alten Freunde aus Hitzhofen und Hofstetten übernachten, teilweise sogar einen Tag in ihre alte Schulklasse gehen. Nebenbei wurde die gesamte Familie durch sämtliche Haus-, Zahn- und Facharzttermine geschleust sowie das Auto durch eine umfassende Reparatur. Wie gesagt, intensiv eben. Das Schwierige ist dann bloβ, dass man auch so oft wieder Abschied nehmen muss… Ein groβes, dickes Dankeschön an Euch alle für alles!
Now the second part of our furlough is over: Nine days we had a rather intensive time in Ingolstadt, our former homer and the location of our sending church. Many meeting, get-togethers and reunions, many his and hellos, many official dates in churches and a service in the new church building of the FeG Ingolstadt, our sending church. Ole, Nils, and Svea Nadia had several sleepovers at their former friends in our former village, they even could join their former school class for a day. The whole family went to every medical check-up needed, and the car got fixed again. Really an intensive time. If we only had not to say Good bye so many times again…! Thank you so much and many hugs to all of you who made this possible!
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Now the second part of our furlough is over: Nine days we had a rather intensive time in Ingolstadt, our former homer and the location of our sending church. Many meeting, get-togethers and reunions, many his and hellos, many official dates in churches and a service in the new church building of the FeG Ingolstadt, our sending church. Ole, Nils, and Svea Nadia had several sleepovers at their former friends in our former village, they even could join their former school class for a day. The whole family went to every medical check-up needed, and the car got fixed again. Really an intensive time. If we only had not to say Good bye so many times again…! Thank you so much and many hugs to all of you who made this possible!