Morgen beginnt unser zweiter Reisedienst. Am Tag vor unserer Abreise im vergangenen Jahr ging der heftige Ärger mit unserem Vermieter los, als er Andeutungen machte, uns gewaltsam rauswerfen zu wollen. Mit sehr gemischten Gefühlen brachen wir damals auf. Wie hat Gott uns durch diese turbulente Episode geführt! Heute können wir nur dankbar zurückblicken auf das, was sich alles getan hat. Wir brechen mit deutlich besserem Gefühl auf. Bitte betet um Bewahrung in jeder Hinsicht. Wir freuen uns darauf, viele von Euch wieder zu treffen.
Tomorrow we’re setting off for our second furlough. The very same day last year was the escalating conflict with our landlord as he announced to cast us out violently. We started the trip with very mixed feelings. But how has God turned the circumstances! We’re looking back with amazement and gratefulness to what He has done during the past year – not only in terms of housing! Now we’re starting with much better feelings. Please pray for protection in any way on our long trip. We are looking forward to seeing many of you personally.
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Tomorrow we’re setting off for our second furlough. The very same day last year was the escalating conflict with our landlord as he announced to cast us out violently. We started the trip with very mixed feelings. But how has God turned the circumstances! We’re looking back with amazement and gratefulness to what He has done during the past year – not only in terms of housing! Now we’re starting with much better feelings. Please pray for protection in any way on our long trip. We are looking forward to seeing many of you personally.